Study of Using Different Macroalgae On Gonad Maturity Time of Abalaone (Haliotis squamata) In Hatchery

16 Feb

Dedi rustandi, Irwan J. Effendi, Andi Besse Patadjai

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


Study of different macroalgae fed to abalone Haliotis squamata was done to evaluate the best macroalga providing the shortest gonad maturity time. This research used Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments (Gracillaria verrucosa, Ulva fasciata and Laurencia papillosa) and triplicates. The nursery of abalone used container (capacity 60 liter) and 100% of water exchange per day, feeding by add libithum. The result of research showed that G. verrucosa was able to provide the shortest gonad maturity time at day 35, followed by U. fasciata at 55 day, and L. papillosa at day 60. Result of LSD test showed that abalone fed G. verrucosa was significantly different with U. fasciata and L. papillosa, while abalone fed U. fasciata is not significantly different with L. papillosa. G. verrucosa is the best macroalgae to increase the gonad maturity of abalone H. squamata.

Key words: Abalone, Haliotis squamata, Gracillaria verrucosa, Ulva fasciata, Laurencia papillosa, Gonad maturity time.

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