Study Correlation of Different Broodstock Size to Total Number and Eggs Diameter Which Produced Female Abalone (Haliotis asinina) In Hatchery

16 Feb

Juwianti Made, Abdul Haris Saritaand Irwan Effendy

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University

The number and diameter of eggs is fundamental in producing larval abalone. Therefore, in this study, the effect of different stem sizes to the number and diameter of eggs produced female broodstock of abalone H. asinina to see how far the size of the female broodstock affects the number and diameter of eggs produced in one spawning and expected results of this study may be material information for abalone farmers, especially at the hatchery on the effective size of the female in order to achieve the amount and the maximum diameter of the egg, so that to maximize hatchery activities at the hatchery. From the results obtained by measuring the length of the shell length range between 56.9 mm shell-84, 40mm, and the range between 55.43-127, 40g of body weight. While the number of eggs produced between ± 23 000 ± 1.262.000eggs, diameter range between 0.155 to 0.183 mm. The results of data analysis using computer software minitab 14 showed the presence of a significant effect between the number of eggs produced on shell length and body weight (respectively P-value (0.041 and 0.024) <α (0.05)). While the relationship between egg diameter of shell length, body weight and amount of each egg showed no significant relationship with the P-value, respectively (0.805, 0.558 and 0.957)> α (0.05).

Key words: Abalone, Shell Length, Number of Eggs, and Egg Diameter

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