Archive | February, 2013

Sedikit Gambaran Mengenai Produksi Abalon di Pasar Dunia

17 Feb

Haliotis asinina

Abalon merupakan salah satu jenis kerang yang menjadi komoditi perikanan dunia yang saat ini sedang mengalami peningkatan permintaan terutama dari pasar intenasional. Pasar utama abalon adalah China, Jepang, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Jepang, Australia, Amerika Serikat, Spanyol, Netherlands, Canada, dan Thailand. Negara produsen abalon terbesar adalah Cina, Taiwan, dan Jepang (Cook dan Gordon, 2010).

Data Produksi Abalon di Dunia dari Sektor Akuakultur (Aquaculture Production) dan Penangkapan di Alam (Fishery Landings) (Cook dan Gordon, 2010)

Menurunnya populasi abalon di alam akibat tekanan penangkapan terjadi dari tahun ke tahun.  Sementara jumlah tangkapan menurun, permintaan abalon terus mengalami peningkatan.  Hal itu mendorong berkembangnnya budidaya akuakultur abalon.  Sehingga saat ini kebutuhan abalon dunia lebih banyak dipenuhi dari sektor budidaya.

Produksi dari Sektor Akuakultur Abalon di Dunia (Cook dan Gordon, 2010)

Cina merupakan negara produsen utama abalon dari sektor akuakultur dengan pelaku mencapai 300 usaha budidaya dan produksi mencapai 1.000 juta ton/ tahun.  Spesies utama yang dibudidayakan adalah H.  diversicolor  supertexta,  dengan harga mencapai US$15/Kg.  Harga ini memang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan H.  laevigata,  dari  Australia yang dapat mencapai US$30/Kg.  Perbedaan harga tersebut disebabkan karena ukuran H.  laevigata yang jauh lebih besar.  Pada umumnya harga abalon sangat ditentukan oleh ukurannya.  Oleh karena itu, harga abalon tropis lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan harga abalon temperate.

Statistik Permintaan (Demand) dan Persediaan (Supply) Abalon di Dunia (Cook dan Gordon, 2010)

Produk abalon Bentuk produk abalon yang berada dipasaran saat ini adalah produk fillet segar dan beku (frozen), kering (dried), kering dan telah melalui proses penggaraman (salted), serta dalam bentuk produk dalam kemasan kaleng (canned).

Terdapat sekitar lebih dari 100 jenis abalon di dunia.  Sebagian besar tersebar di perairan Samudera Pasifik, Atlantik, dan Hindia.  Abalon ditemukan di sepanjang pantai wilayah subtropik dan tropik kecuali Amerika Selatan dan Timur Amerika Utara.  Abalon ditemukan sepanjang pantai  barat Amerika Utara (Baja California sampai Alaska) dan sepanjang timur dan selatan. Pantai di Asia (USSR, Korea, Jepang, Cina, Taiwan, Kalimantan, Malaysia Timur, Tournotus, Australia, New Zealand, Afrika, Mesir, Tanzania, Mosambika, Madagaskar, Tanjung Harapan, Gold Coast) dan Pulau-pulau di Madeira dan Eropa (Prancis, Spanyol, Italia, Yugoslavia dan Yunani) (Leighton et al., 2008).

Populasi terbesar, baik dalam hal jumlah individu maupun jenis spesies, ditemukan pada perairan Australia, Jepang, dan bagian barat Amerika Utara.  H. Rufescens merupakan jenis abalon yang terdapat di California yang diketahui memiliki ukuran paling besar, yaitu dapat mencapai 18-23 cm diameter cangkang (Cox, 1962).  Pada umumnya abalon yang habitatnya di daerah temperate memiliki ukuran yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan abalon pada daerah tropis.  Abalon tropis umumnya hanya memiliki ukuran 7-10 cm, sedangkan abalon temperate rata-rata dapat mencapai ukuran 15-20 cm (Estes et al., 2005).  Hal itulah yang menyebabkan harga jual abalon temperate jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis abalon tropis.  Walaupun demikian, dari segi kecepatan pertumbuhan, abalon tropis memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan abalon temperate, sehingga lebih cepat mencapai ukuran komersil (ukuran pasar).

Di indonesia terdapat tujuh spesies, yaitu H. asinina, H. varia, H. squamosa, H. ovina, H. glabra, H. planata, dan H. crebrisculpta (Dharma, 1988 dalam Setyono, 2006).  H. asinina, H. ovina, H. squamata dan H. varia merupakan jenis abalon tropis yang terdapat di Indonesia yang telah memiliki pasar internasional, terutama China, Taiwan, dan Korea.  Bukan hanya di Indonesia, persebaran spesies- spesies tersebut cukup besar, yaitu  mencapai perairan Indo-Malay, bagian timur samudera Hindia dan Barat Samudera Pasifik.  Namun, dari keempat jenis abalon tersebut, jenis H. asinina dan H. squamata merupakan yang paling banyak ditemukan di perairan Indonesia.  Kelebihan H. asinina dibading H. ovina dan H. varia adalah karena proporsi dagingnya lebih besar,  yaitu  H. asinina  85%, H. ovina 40%, dan H. varia 30% (Singhagraiwan dan Doi, 1993 dalam Praipue et al., 2010).  Sehingga  H. asinina  memiliki potensi pasar untuk jenis “cocktail size” (40-70 mm) dengan ukurannya yang kecil dibandingkan dengan jenis temperate.  Selain Indonesia,  H. asinina juga banyak ditemukan, Thailand, Filipina, Malaysia Australia, Vilipinan, dan Myanmar.  Budidaya H. asinina telah berhasil dilakukan di negera-negara tersebut dengan skala massal.  Di Indonesia H. asinina banyak ditemukan di perairan Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Nusa Tenggara, Laut Flores, Karangasem Bali, Lombok, Madura, dan Lampung (Yuniarti et al., 2009: Hadijah et al., 2011).

Jika menginginkan sumbernya, bisa mengontak saya ^_^.

Oleh Alfi Kusuma
Penulis adalah Mahasiswa Program Beasiswa Unggulan (BU) BPKLN DIKNAS

Study Correlation of Different Broodstock Size to Total Number and Eggs Diameter Which Produced Female Abalone (Haliotis asinina) In Hatchery

16 Feb

Juwianti Made, Abdul Haris Saritaand Irwan Effendy

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University

The number and diameter of eggs is fundamental in producing larval abalone. Therefore, in this study, the effect of different stem sizes to the number and diameter of eggs produced female broodstock of abalone H. asinina to see how far the size of the female broodstock affects the number and diameter of eggs produced in one spawning and expected results of this study may be material information for abalone farmers, especially at the hatchery on the effective size of the female in order to achieve the amount and the maximum diameter of the egg, so that to maximize hatchery activities at the hatchery. From the results obtained by measuring the length of the shell length range between 56.9 mm shell-84, 40mm, and the range between 55.43-127, 40g of body weight. While the number of eggs produced between ± 23 000 ± 1.262.000eggs, diameter range between 0.155 to 0.183 mm. The results of data analysis using computer software minitab 14 showed the presence of a significant effect between the number of eggs produced on shell length and body weight (respectively P-value (0.041 and 0.024) <α (0.05)). While the relationship between egg diameter of shell length, body weight and amount of each egg showed no significant relationship with the P-value, respectively (0.805, 0.558 and 0.957)> α (0.05).

Key words: Abalone, Shell Length, Number of Eggs, and Egg Diameter


16 Feb

Idul Male, La Ode Muh. Aslan, and Irwan Junaidi Effendy

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine science, Haluoleo University, Southeast Sulawesi 


A 45-day feeding trial was conducted to assess the effect of mix macroalgae on growth and survival rate of juvenile abalone rearing on floating cage. The research was carried out at the Abalone Hatchery Soropia Village Sub District Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. A randomized complete design was selected in the experiment consisting 3 treatments and triplicates, they are A (G. verrucosa), B (G. verrucosa and U. lactuca), and C (G. arcuata and U. lactuca). The highest growth rate (1.170 ± 0.068 mm in shell length: 0.879 ± 0.118 g in body weigth), highest specific growth rate (3.695 % in shell length: 8.499% in body weight) and best food consumption rate were obtained from treatment A (G. verrucosa). Analyze of variance showed that treatment A is significantly different (P>0.05) on absolute growth rate of shell length and is not significantly different on body weight. However, on specific growth rate, all treatments are not significantly different for both shell length and body weight. Based on food consumption rate, juvenile abalone rearing on floating cage showed different level of food preference. The juvenile abalone preferred first to graze on Gracillaria rather than Ulva. During the rearing period, survival rate was achieved 100% for all treatments. Water quality measured during the research (temperature: 26-280C, pH: 8-8.5 and salinity: 28-32 ppt) and were being in the normal line to support growth and survival rate of juvenile abalone.   

Key words: Haliotis asinina, macroalgae diets, growth, survival rate, and food consumption rate

The Effect of Photoperiods on Daily Feed Consumption and Time Gonad Maturation of Abalone (Haliotis squamata) Broodstock

16 Feb

Bernadus Pondan Padang

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


The effect of different photoperiods (12 h light : 12 h dark, 9 h light : 15 h dark, 6 h light : 18 h dark) on daily feed consumption and gonadal maturation time of abalone Haliotis squamata broodstock was examined in this study. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 levels of treatment and 3 replicates. Maintenance of the broodstocks was done by using containers containing 60 l of sea water and each container was filled with 4 animal studies with male and female ratio was 1: 1. Feed given type of seaweed was Gracillaria verucossa and given add libitum.  During the 56 days rearing broodstocks was found that daily feed consumption was significantly different between the three treatments (P(0,1) > 0.05). The highest daily feed consumption was obtained at treatment 9 h light : 15 h dark (2.27 g/abalone/day), followed by treatment of 6 h light : 18 h dark (2.25 g/abalone/day), while the lowest was treatment 12 h light : 12 h dark (1.9 g/abalone/day).  The time to achieve the fastest gonadal maturition was obtained at 37.33 days (6 h light : 18 h dark), followed by 46.67 days (9 h light : 15 h dark), whereas the longest in the 56 days (12 h light : 12 h dark), and based on ANOVA, the effect of photoperiod on time to gonadal maturation were significantly different (P(0.37) > 0.05). The results of this study indicate that photoperiod had important role on daily feed consumption and time to gonadal maturation of abalone species Haliotis squamata broodstock.

Key words  : Abalone, Haliotis squamata, Photoperiod, Daily Feed Consumption, Time Gonad Maturity, Hatchery.

Study of Using Different Macroalgae On Gonad Maturity Time of Abalaone (Haliotis squamata) In Hatchery

16 Feb

Dedi rustandi, Irwan J. Effendi, Andi Besse Patadjai

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


Study of different macroalgae fed to abalone Haliotis squamata was done to evaluate the best macroalga providing the shortest gonad maturity time. This research used Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments (Gracillaria verrucosa, Ulva fasciata and Laurencia papillosa) and triplicates. The nursery of abalone used container (capacity 60 liter) and 100% of water exchange per day, feeding by add libithum. The result of research showed that G. verrucosa was able to provide the shortest gonad maturity time at day 35, followed by U. fasciata at 55 day, and L. papillosa at day 60. Result of LSD test showed that abalone fed G. verrucosa was significantly different with U. fasciata and L. papillosa, while abalone fed U. fasciata is not significantly different with L. papillosa. G. verrucosa is the best macroalgae to increase the gonad maturity of abalone H. squamata.

Key words: Abalone, Haliotis squamata, Gracillaria verrucosa, Ulva fasciata, Laurencia papillosa, Gonad maturity time.

Growth Response Juvenile Abalone (Haliotis squamata) On Different Types Of Macroalgae with Closed Recirculating System Using Ulva sp as Biofilter

16 Feb

Sulaiman, Irwan J. Effendy and Asnani 

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


Research on the Growth Response Abalone Juvenile (Haliotis squamata) On Different Types Of  Macroalgae with Closed Recirculating System Using Ulva sp as Biofilter was conducted from Juli to Agustus in the hatchery abalon Village District Tapulaga Soropia Konawe Southeast Sulawesi.  This study was designed using Completely Randomizad Design (CRD) with three replications of three treatments namely A (G. verrucosa), B (L. papilosa) and C (Ulva sp) using juvenile from 4-5 cm in size.  Results showed that the absolute growth rates of shell length and body weight in treatment A, B, and C were 10,11 mm, 2,70 mm, 10,15 mm and 14,32 g, 3,42 g, 13,55 g respectively. ANOVA and LSD test of the effect Different Types Of  Macroalgae on Growth Response Abalone Juvenile (Haliotis diversicolor diversicolor) have shown in treatmenst significantly different (F hit > 0,05). Water quality during the study showed a good range to support the growth of abalone juvenile by using closed system without any water exchange.

Key words : Abalone Juvenile, Macroalgae, Biofilter and Closed System

Effect Of Stocking Densities On The Growth Of Abalone Juvenile H. asinina In Recirculating System

16 Feb

Wahyu, Irwan J. Effendy and Haris Sarita

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


The effect of stocking densities on the growth of juvenile abalone H. asinina was examined.  The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the growth rate of juvenile abalone cultured at three different densities, A (15 ind/0,12 m2), B (10 ind/0,12m2), and C (5ind/,12m2).  A total of 90 juvenile abalone were distributed among the three experimental systems. The experiment lasted 75 days from May to July 2010. A Randomized block design (RBD) was selected in this experiment consisting three treatments and three replicates. Abalones were reared using a plastic mesh basket (25 x 10 x 10 cm) where Ulva and Galaxaura used as biofiltration unit. The study showed that the absolute growth rates for each the treatment (A, B, and C) were (0,877 cm, 0.900 cm, and 1,008 cm) respectively in shell length while in body weight were (3,965 g, 3,857 g, and 4,028 g).  Absolute growth rates was not significantly affected by the different density treatments (P > 0,05). The highest specific growth rate during the experiment obtained on the 15 day and declined by increasing of shell length in the following examination on the 30, 45, 60 and 75 days experiment. Growth rate of juvenile abalone in the earlier stage was more on shell length accelerating, on the other hand the growth rate of juveniles when achieved 4 cm in shell length, was more on body weight accelerating.

Key WordsAbalone, Haliotis asinina, Recirculation System,Growth, Biofilter

The Effect of Combined Use Algae as a Biofilter to the Survival Rate and Growth Abalone Juvenile (Haliotis asinina) In the Recirculation System

16 Feb

Darmawan Ridwar, Irwan J. Effendy and Abdul Rahman Nurdin

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


Research was conducted in June-August 2010 at the Hatchery Abalone, Tapulaga Village, Sub-District Soropia, District Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi.  The purpose of this research is to observe the effect of different combinations of biofilters on survival rate and growth of abalone juvenile in recirculation system. This research used a complete randomized experimental design, where there are three treatments that use the three different combinations types of algae, in treatment A  (G. verrucosa and Galaxaura sp.), B  (G. verrucosa and U. fasciata) and C (U. fasciata and  Galaxaura sp.), and three repetitions by feeding G. verrucosa  with  ad libitum. The size of juvenile abalone which used is 0.5-0.7cm.  Water quality in the three treatments is relatively stable with 100% survival rate.  Recirculation speed is 4.8liter/min, where the water exchange to organism container occurs within 24 hours is 6912liters, with the result that almost 700%.  The result of analysis of variance showed that the treatments did not affect significantly (P > 0,05) on the growth of abalone.

Key Words:     Abalone (H. asinina), Biofilter, Combination types of Algae, Recirculation system.


16 Feb

Sri Fatmah Sari, Andi Besse Patadjai, Ermayanti Ishak

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University


This research was conducted in October 2010, in the Nutrition and Food Laboratory, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Kendari. The purpose of this research was to know the chemical quality of frozen abalone (H. asinine) thawed using different thawing methods.  A completely randomized experimental design (CRD) was used. Three thawing methods used including immersion in cool water (4oC), immersion in water at ambient temperature (28oC), and placing at room temperature (30oC). Before thawing, the sample were frozen at a temperature of -20oC for 3×24 hours. Several parameters were analyzed, protein and lipid content, soluble protein content, water content, TMA-N, and peroxide value. The results showed that thawing by immersion in water at ambient temperature (28oC) gave a better chemical quality compared with thawing by immersion in cool water (4oC) and placement at room temperature (30oC).

Key words: Abalone (Haliotis asinina), Chemical Quality, Freezing, Thawing.


Effect of Different Salinity on the Settlement Of Abalone Larval Cross Breeding Of Haliotis squamata with Haliotis asinina

16 Feb

Syukur, Irwan J. Effendy and Yusnaini

Aquaculture Section, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Haluoleo University

Email :


Settlement of larval abalone cross breeding of Haliotis squamata and Haliotis asinina was investigated after they were transferred at different salinity levels.  The objective of the present study was to determine the optimum salinity for the success of the settlement abalone larval from cross breeding of  H. squamata and H. asinina.  The experiment was carried out using completely randomized design (CRD) at five different salinity (30, 32, 34, 36 dan 38 ppt ± 0,5) in triplicates.  Larval were transferred from 34 ppt to salinity treatment and cultured for 6 days. Percentage of abalone larval settlement was 9,167%, 8%, 11%, 9% and 6,833% for the larval transferred to 30, 32, 34, 36 dan 38 ppt , respectively.  Larval settlement was not significantly difference among the treatments (P(0.845)> 0.05).  It  showed that larval abalone from cross breeding of H. squamata and H. asinina can settle at 30-38±0,5 ppt salinity.

Key word: Salinity, Larval Settlement,  H. squamata, H. asinina